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12 April 2019

Our client satisfaction scorecard

At Crombie Lockwood, we aspire to deliver an outstanding client experience.

We use Net Promoter Score (NPS®) to help us monitor and improve our service. NPS® is a proven metric used globally to measure client engagement and advocacy. It establishes the likelihood of a client to recommend your product or service on a scale of 0-10.

The NPS® survey asks our clients: “How likely are you to recommend Crombie Lockwood to a friend or colleague?”

The response options range from 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely). The responses are then grouped into the following three groups: Detractors, Passives or Promoters.

An organisation’s NPS® score is a formula that subtract the percentage of clients who are detractors from the percentage who are promoters. This returns a score between -100 and +100.

It is used as a proxy for gauging the client’s overall satisfaction with a company’s product or service and the client’s loyalty to the brand.

What our clients said 

  • 50% of our clients rate us 9 or 10 out of 10.
  • One third (33%) of Crombie Lockwood clients are what the NPS® scale considers happy clients.
  • 17% of our clients feel there are areas we can improve.

Crombie Lockwood currently rank well above the New Zealand insurance broking industry standard scorecard of +7 for satisfaction.

We believe transparency around our NPS is important. A measure such as this keeps us honest, on our toes and continuously improving for the benefit of our clients.

50% of our clients rate us 9 or 10 out of 10. One third (33%) of Crombie Lockwood clients are what the NPS® scale considers happy clients.
17% of our clients feel there are areas we can improve.

We welcome your feedback on our service: email us at suremagazine@crombielockwood.co.nz